Here, at, we have created a guide for buyers. We are trying our best to provide you reliable and accurate product information. To achieve the goal, we are presenting the products only from reliable sellers and manufacturers. We check the details of each and every product and try to change the product title according to the details of the product provided on the product page. This means, we go through each and every product details, read it carefully, make amendments in the details according to the specifications of the product and then present it to you on We also amend the product title and the description according to its detailed description so that you can have the best possible working image of the product as accurate as possible. But, after all of our efforts, we are still human beings and can make mistakes.
Before anything else, you must know that you will never ever pay us. You must know that we do not sell the products. We are just referring you the products. Each product will lead you to its seller which can be authorized seller or the manufacturer. When you buy a product from them, we get a small commission from the seller. It is important for you to note that the price of the product will remain same whether you use our link or buy directly from seller. We appreciate if you go to seller via us.
Once again, remember that you will not pay us. We use affiliate links which will redirect you to our partner’s eCommerce stores. You will pay directly to the seller. The seller will pay us commission on every purchase you make.
Normal Buying Process
1: Read the product details carefully at
2: Click on the Buy Now! button. You will be redirect to the seller.
3: First of all, check the seller’s reputation. You can do so my moving mouse cursor on the seller’s name at the top of the product page. This will help you to decide if you want to proceed with the product.
4: Read again the product details carefully provided on the seller’s store.
5: If you wish to know more about the product, contact the seller via appropriate method which is available on every product page on seller’s store.
6: If you contact the seller, spare him at least 2 working days or 48 hours, whichever is longer, for the reply back. Normally, sellers are very helpful and will assist you regarding the product. Sometime, the answer is delayed because of a number of reasons. Also note that seller’s response maybe late because of holidays. The sellers, we are partnered with, ships thousands of products everyday worldwide. Lack of time may also be the reason for a late reply. If you are satisfy with the seller’s explanation, proceed.
7: Please, check the shipping method. You may want to change it according to your needs. The best shipping method is already applied by our eCommerce partners but you still have the rights to check what shipping methods are available. You can change the shipping method according to your needs if available more than one which is the normal case. It is necessary if you need the product urgently.
8: Please, check the feedback provided by the prior buyer’s on the product page at the seller’s store. Feedback with images are great help in deciding to buy the product or not because image feedback may show the non-photoshopped image of the product. Do not forget to read the feedback which gave the lowest ratings to the product. If you see a reasonable but negative feedback for the product, contact the seller and ask them to clarify the issue. If you are satisfied with the explanation, proceed.
9: Once you are fully satisfied with the product details and all the information provided by the seller and in the feedback, add the product in the cart.
10: Go to cart, checkout, and pay for the product.
11: Now wait for the product delivery.
Read it too:
1: Search for the similar products at before you decide to buy a product.
2: You may see a different listing for the same product.
3: Click on each similar product’s Buy Now! button.
4: You will be taken to the seller’s/manufacturer’s webpage.
5: Check the quality of the product by the details provided by the seller. Also contact the seller if you want to know more.
6: Check the delivery method for the product with different price tag.
7: Compare the product with the searched ones.
8: Decide which one meets your needs.
9: Add that product in the cart.
10: Pay for it.
911 Wait for delivery of that product.
Do you wish to know more, please contact us.